Dealing with Failure

No one ever said this was going to be easy.

You guys, music school is hard. Pursuing a career in classical voice and opera is hard. Really hard. This semester has been a lot of juggling different assignments, learning a lot of music, and trying to balance it all with general life moments. And with this, failure is bound to happen.

How do we bounce back from failure?

I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve cried a lot this semester. Perceived failure (or actual failure) sucks. But what matters is how you bounce back. For me, it’s recognizing how I feel, what made me feel this way, and devising a plan to fix it or improve. Normally, this process includes a call to my mom or sister, forcing my dog to cuddle with me, and a glass of wine.

Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and who you can trust to be honest with you. Build a tribe of people, teachers, and friends who all share and see your vision. You can do this.

You’ve got this babe!


So You Want to Go to Music School - The Audition