So You Want to Go to Music School - The Audition

Auditioning for a panel of people you don’t know can be really intimidating. Here are some audition day tips!

  1. Get a good night’s sleep. Seriously, make sure you feel rested and energized for your audition day.

  2. Give yourself enough time. Wake up with enough time to get breakfast, coffee, stretch, or whatever it is you need to do to have a relaxing morning.

  3. Lightly vocalize. I like to hum first thing in the morning. I feel that it helps me find my resonating space and sets my whole day up for success.

  4. Get ready. Wear an outfit and makeup that make you feel amazing. Bring your performance shoes in a bag with you and change into them when you get to your audition location. This helps your feet from not hurting!

  5. Take time to fully warm up, but be careful to not over warm up and over-sing.

  6. Go in with confidence. You have worked so hard for this moment!’

  7. Don’t over-analyze. When you’re done, thank the panel. No matter how it went, wait to celebrate or commiserate until you’re outside in your car.

At the end of the day, be proud of your accomplishments. Take notes on what went well and what still needs work. Make sure to send thank you emails to the college panel and thank them for listening to you.

Following an audition day, I like to treat myself to dinner or something sweet for a job well done!


Dealing with Failure


Be Authentically You