Be Authentically You

For the LONGEST time, I always felt that I had to fit into this nice, neat, perfect box in order to make it as an opera singer. I felt that I had to look a certain way, dress a certain way, sound a certain way. I worked incredibly hard to fit this image I had in my head of the ‘perfect and proper’ vocalist I wanted to be: hair done neatly, well-dressed, always kind and appropriate around others. For a while, I would fly dressed up with a full face of make-up because you never know who you might meet flying back and forth to NYC.

It wasn’t until I saw Jamie Barton in concert, that I realized it was OK to not fit this mold. (If you don’t know who Jamie Barton is, please Google her right now. She is my idol and queen and I really just want to be best friends with her!). Jamie Barton is singing all over the world - with purple hair, half of her head buzzed, and she’s absolutely killing it.

After seeing Jamie sing a recital in Cincinnati, I took time to reflect on her singing. She seemed to really enjoy what she was doing. Why? She was authentically herself, buzzed purple hair and all.

For a moment, I envied her freedom, telling myself that she can only do this because she is so well known in the opera world. But then I got to thinking - why can’t I find that freedom now?

Authentically Me

Who am I? I am a girl who loves her leggings and who almost never wears make-up anymore. I love nothing more than having my hair be any color other than its natural brown. To date, it has been: green, purple, and pink. I am proud of my curvy figure which supports my singing.

I am known for my extra loud singing voice; for always being a friendly face in rehearsals. I am always willing to help out when needed.

This is who I am. This is the authentic me.


So You Want to Go to Music School - The Audition


So You Want To Go To Music School - Auditions: What Do I Wear?